

Net Power, a collaboration between technology development firm 8 Rivers Capital, Exelon Generation and energy construction company CB & I, will launch a plant that takes carbon dioxide from natural gas burning and submits it to high pressures and temperatures, which generates a CO2 that drives a turbine that, in turn, generates clean energy.

Perfect digital privacy
The zero knowledge test is a new cryptographic protocol that has attracted attention recently because it has been used to perform cryptocurrency transactions in a totally anonymous manner.

However, some believe that this is not entirely possible since with the blockchain, transactions are visible to all and theoretically anonymous transactions can be combined with other data to track and even identify users.

Genetic vision

Someday babies will receive a report on their DNA at birth. This information will provide predictions about the chances of having a heart attack, suffering from cancer, developing a tobacco addiction or having above-average intelligence.

Scientists are creating what they call "polygenic risk score" new DNA analyzes that report the likelihood of suffering from a disease, as well as assessing more accurately the effectiveness of medications.

However, these tests also generate controversy because they can predict, for example, 10 percent of a person's performance on IQ tests.

The quantum leap of materials
IBM, Google and Alan Aspuru-Guzik of Harvard University, United States, develop new and powerful quantum computers that will be able to perform computer feats impossible for conventional computers, but has not yet been discovered what can be done with that computing power .